Sunday, March 4, 2012


   I can say now that I have published a book that the hard part isn't writing the story. It's actually in wondering who is reading your words. I've now reached twenty-four sales which may not seem like a lot to most people but to me, who wasn't ever sure I'd get my books published, twenty-four is astronomical. But I wish I knew who was buying my book. And I wish I knew what they thought.
   When I first asked my sister to read Saving Tate, I was afraid that I had become too attached to the characters, that I thought and felt things about them only because they came from my head. I was afraid that what I thought was a good piece of writing was actually average or even bad. But when my sister begged me for the next chapters, one right after the other, when she would call me names for making her cry, when she would laugh out loud at a witty piece of dialogue, I knew it wasn't just me. I knew that at least one other person had seen what I had seen in those characters and in those hundreds of pages of words that I pounded out into my laptop. That every painstaking minute of editing and rewriting and doodling was going to be worth it.
   And now, twenty-four other people have read my words. Twenty-four people have given some no-name author from the Midwest a chance to captivate their minds and steal their hearts with words that she created. And I want nothing more than to thank those twenty-four people for helping my dream come true. I invite more of you to read about Tate and Cam in Saving Tate and for those of you anxiously awaiting book two, Fielder's Choice, I thank you for your patience and interest in the next of the Carlyles to find true love.
   So goodnight, from my little corner of the world to yours, and may all your dreams come true too.

My Little Bookshelf: I finally got Celebrity in Death by J.D. Robb and devoured it. I love every single book in that series. I also read Exclusively Yours by Shannon Stacey. It was a nice, sweet read and the first in a series about the Kowalski family. I'll make sure to get the next books in that series. And I just read Forbidden Pleasure by Lora Leigh. I l ove all her books and they are a little edgier than your typical romance but that just means the love is stronger, at least in my opinion.

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