Monday, February 27, 2012

The is a'changing

     I grew up in a household where we said 'please' and 'thank you,' where my parents were (and still are) addressed as 'sir and ma'am,' and where dinner at the table together was our norm. Now that my family has turned into the exception rather than the rule, I wonder if it has helped or hindered me in this world we find ourselves living in.
     Maybe I'm too kind-hearted for this world, a place where my feelings get hurt in response to a situation that has nothing to do with me except for one person involved. But I can't help that I want to be with this person on one of the most important days of her life. I can't help that it hurts that she didn't ask me to be there. And I again know that it's not about me but still. I hate hurting other people's feelings and find myself more sensitive in situations where I'm the one being hurt.
     I try to make everyone else happy before myself, which is a nice sentiment but at some point I have to come first. I have to follow my dreams and search for my happy ending. I have to live the life I know I was destined to live. I write my own happy endings in my books in the hopes that someday, it'll be reality. I write to tell people how I'm really feeling inside because it's easier for me to express myself through words. I write so I know how I'm feeling about a particular subject or event, to discover my views or opinions, to say the things I only wish I could say out loud.
     The world I live in makes me tired. I live in a world where people settle because they are afraid something better won't come along. I live in a world where people are treated with so little respect that I feel sad for the coming generations. I live in a world where not too many real-life happy endings exist. So I dream. And I write. And someday somebody is going to read my words and my dream will come true. But until then, I'll be here, in my little corner of this world, dreaming and writing.

My Little Bookshelf: I just read the entire Fatal series by Marie Force, starting with Fatal Affair. I always love a series with the same main couple in each title. Definitely a good read. I'm finishing up What I Did for Love by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. And I can't wait to get the next J.D. Robb title, Celebrity in Death. This series is also a must-read. And re-read for those of you like me. :-)

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