Saturday, November 10, 2012

One thousand thirty-six and counting

   It wasn't too long ago that I was sitting in front of my computer, waiting very impatiently for my 100th sale. At the time, I was amazed and humbled that I was able to write something that so many people loved and supported.
   Now, I sit here, in front of my computer and I can't even fathom the numbers I see in front of me. I look at the stats several times a day and the numbers in front of my eyes don't even make sense. And I just wanted to say thank you because I would never have reached the 1,000 mark without each and every one of you who supported me by purchasing my books.
   I try to tell people what it means to know that so many people have fallen in love with these characters I created in my mind, to know that they are all waiting for the next installment of the Carlyle family to be ready, to be connected to people I don't even know through the pieces of my heart I left in my words. It is truly humbling and I thought I had known what it was to be humble but I get proven wrong every day.
   So as the numbers climb higher and my little corner of the world expands more and more, I again say thank you to all of those who have made my dream literally come true. There is no greater feeling in the world than knowing that the beauty and love I so hoped to create has found a home with at least 1,036 of you out there.

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