Friday, November 16, 2012

Kind words from a stranger

I got a review on Amazon that made me cry. In the good way. The reviewer said they were "honored" to have read my novel about a woman "who has seen the worst humanity has to offer" and stands up to "fight for what she wants out of life." The reviewer also said that Saving Tate was a perfect example of the saying once you hit rock bottom, "you can only go up from there."

I am the one who is honored 
to have someone say such kind words about something into which I poured my heart and soul. I say it all the time, but people can't really understand what it means when I sell another book. It's a piece of my heart and soul finding another home. I write in the hopes that everyone feels like this reviewer when they read Saving Tate and Fielder's Choice. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

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