Monday, February 18, 2013

Where She Belongs- sneak peek

So I couldn't contain it any longer. I really liked this scene when I saw it in my head and I love it on paper. Hope everyone enjoys!! Remember it's a rough draft and very far from being completed, but I wanted to give all the Nora fans a little taste of where we're heading.

Love you all!!!!

********************Sneak Peek of Where She Belongs**********************


            “Patrick, give me a push!” Nora shouted as she pumped her legs to get the swing moving. It was fun having a best friend who was a boy. The other girls thought boys were stupid and gross, and Patrick could be both, but he had stuck up for her when mean Jillian had made fun of Nora last year at recess. They had been inseparable since that day, especially since Patrick had been called to the principal’s office to explain why he made Jillian cry.
            “Give me a minute!” Patrick shouted back then threw his baseball in the air once more and attempted to hit it with his new Louisville slugger. It fell to the ground and Patrick spun himself around with his swing. “Darn it,” he muttered and tossed the bat to the ground beside the ball.
            He walked over to where Nora sat, her messy ponytail blowing in the breeze. School started tomorrow. Seventh grade. They were the youngest in the school again. But it was okay. They had Nate going with them and all the teachers knew Nora because they had taught all her brothers and sisters. He and Nora were spending the last day of summer vacation together, just like they had spent almost every other day of summer vacation. It was nice having a girl as a best friend. They didn’t compete for sports… okay, that wasn’t true. Nora always tried to beat him but they didn’t play on the same sports teams.
            Patrick stood behind Nora, waiting for her to slow down a little so he could give her a push. “You’re going to kick me in the face, blue eyes,” he told her making her laugh but she stopped swinging her legs.
Patrick grabbed the chain on the swing to slow her down even more then gave her back a push. His hand accidentally brushed the smooth skin on her shoulder exposed by the tank top she wore. Stop it, he commanded himself. This is Nora, your buddy. Not just some girl.
            “Are you nervous about tomorrow?” she asked him, drawing Patrick out of his head.
            “No. Why?”
            She shrugged and brushed some hair out her mouth. “We’re going to be in middle school then in a few years high school then college.”
            “We’ve got a ways to go before that, Nora,” he chuckled.
            Nora dragged her feet in the mulch to stop the swing then turned to look at him. “We need to make big decisions about life soon, Patrick. Like what we want to be, where we want to live and go to college.”
            “Nora, we’re twelve. Why do we need to think about those things now? Turn around so I can push you.”
            She sighed but turned around. “Promise me something,” she said softly before he could give her another push.
            “What?” Patrick grabbed the chain of the swing and twisted, forcing Nora to face him. “What do you want me to promise?”
            She smiled up at him, her sunburned nose peeling a little, her blue eyes twinkling in the sunset.
            “That we’ll be best friends forever. That no matter what happens we will always have each other. Middle school is going to be hard and high school even harder but I know it will be okay if I have you.” Having four older siblings had made Nora wise beyond her young years.
            Patrick smiled at her and shook his head. “You’re stuck with me, blue eyes.” When she just continued to stare at him, he sighed. “I promise. Now you make the same promise.”
            Nora stood up and jumped when the twisted swing righted itself and smacked her in the back of her legs. “I promise too. You are my best friend in the whole world. We will always be friends.”
            Patrick spit in his hand and held it out to her, grinning.
            “This is gross,” she muttered but spit in her own palm and shook his hand. “Now I need to wash my hand.” When he laughed at her, Nora stepped closer and wiped her hand on his face. “Ha!” she shouted then took off running when Patrick gave chase.
            She shouted when he tackled her and pinned her shoulders to the ground. “I have three brothers who will kick your butt!”
            Patrick grinned and leaned down, rubbing the cheek covered in her spit on her face.
            “Stop! That’s so gross!”
            “I can’t believe you wiped our best friend handshake on my face.”
            “I can’t believe I touched your spit with my hand!” she retaliated and struggled to free one arm. Will had taught her how to punch. She just needed one arm free to make her best friend bleed.
            “I can read that look in your eyes, Nora.”
            She sighed and relaxed. “Fine.”
            Patrick shook his head. “I am not stupid. I’ve seen you wrestle with Nate. Plus I’ve helped you sneak attack Cam and Will a few times. You may be small but you are feisty. I am not moving until you promise you won’t hit me.”
            Nora rolled her eyes. “Fine. I promise I won’t hit-”
            “Or kick,” Patrick interrupted. Then stared at her when she clenched her jaw.
            “Okay, okay, no bodily harm shall come upon you. Now let me up. Mama is going to be mad that I got my clothes dirty.”
            Patrick stood and held out his hand to help her up. “C’mon blue eyes. Let’s go to my house and clean you up first.”
            Nora took his hand and let him pull her up then followed him back to their bikes they had left laying on the field outside the gates to the park. “Even though you’re gross, you’re still my best friend,” she told him.
            He laughed and shook his head. “Even though you fight dirty, you’re still my best friend.”
            Yeah, it was nice having a girl as his best friend. And nothing would ever change that.
            Patrick stood on the playground, staring at the swing where he had once pushed Nora. Where they had promised to be friends forever. God, he needed her back here, but he had no idea where she even was.
            He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed the number from memory. He waited for voicemail to pick up, because it always picked up when he called. “Hey, it’s me. Just wanted to see how you were doing. I’m doing great…” He stopped and sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. “That’s a damned lie. I miss you. I wish you would come home. I have so many things I want to say to you that I can’t do over the phone. I need you, Nora, so much. You’re too important to me.”
            He knew his time on the call was running short. “I’m still here, waiting for you, blue eyes. I’ll always wait for you.” He hung up before he could say the words he wanted so badly to say. The words he’d said thoughtlessly to her so many times before. The words that he knew would devastate her more than she already was. “God damn it, I love you,” he whispered hoarsely to the empty park surrounding him. He needed her home.
            Patrick sighed again and turned back to the parking lot, needing to get home himself to the son he couldn’t regret, the son he wasn’t sure Nora could ever love.